Small writer and activist of Cape Verdean descent feels honored with visit to PR

The little writer and activist of Cape Verdean descent, based in England, Lauryn Rose was received today by the President of the Republic, José Maria Neves, in the company of her mother, feeling honored by the visit to such an “important” figure.

Apr 4, 2024 - 15:18
Apr 4, 2024 - 15:20
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Small writer and activist of Cape Verdean descent feels honored with visit to PR
Small writer and activist of Cape Verdean descent feels honored with visit to PR

“As a child, also a Cape Verdean, it was an honor for me to be able to meet the President of the Republic, personally, a very important figure in the country”, he emphasized, highlighting the issue of Cape Verdean culture and heritage in this conversation.

The writer of half an inch, who is accompanied by her mother, Cristina Cabral, from Cape Verde, based in the United Kingdom, says that she became interested in literature during a course she attended, and also because she did not have access to books or stories about people or children. of black race.

“So with this book I want to make my contribution to educating people about children of African descent. Reading inspires me. When I write I feel like I'm in the shoes of the characters, which helps me express my emotions”, he commented, challenging the children to let their imagination run wild.

As her mother explained, Lauryn is in Cape Verde at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries to launch her book, on the 12th at the Palácio da Cultura Ildo Lobo, having expressed interest in meeting the President of the Republic, whose wish was cherished by José Maria Neves.

“Being here in Cape Verde means coming to our roots, and for a very special reason, which is to share the book she wrote. I think we are here on a mission, because Lauryn is an activist and she wants to donate her book to children who cannot buy it in bookstores”, says proudly of her daughter who, as she highlighted, pays homage to all single mothers with her story.

According to a note from the Presidency of the Republic, the work, entitled “Lauryn, that's Me: The Journey of a Powerful African Girl” tells the story of Lauryn, a 9-year-old girl from London, raised by a single mother, who is proud of her her African Portuguese roots and shares her journey of courage, hope, black representation and self-love as well as her dream of living in a world where everyone is treated equally.

This first book, according to the same source, is available in “large bookstores” in London and on renowned digital platforms in four languages, English, Portuguese, Spanish and French.

The little writer, who is currently finishing her second book, dedicated to culinary recipes, using Artificial Intelligence, also wants to see her books translated into Creole.