Not everything stone in Brava is daba pa built pylon and mill...
Not all stone in Brava is built to build a pylon and mill…Why do we use stones in the Rotcha di Mane Grandi mine in Mato Grandi to build a pylon and ruber mill stones in the Catchas Mountains to build a mill? Simple question !.. ki type di rotcha ki es é? Kale ki e ses origen?Cuzas é tcheu!…

Not everything stone in Brava is daba pa built pylon and mill...
Why ki us dgentis scodjeba stones di rotcha di mine Mane Grandi na Mato Grandi pa I built pilon and stones di rubera mill in the Montado di Catchas pa I built mill?
Simple question !.. ki type di rotcha ki es é?
Kale ki e ses origin?
Cuzas is bye!…