Not everything stone in Brava is daba pa built pylon and mill...

Not all stone in Brava is built to build a pylon and mill…Why do we use stones in the Rotcha di Mane Grandi mine in Mato Grandi to build a pylon and ruber mill stones in the Catchas Mountains to build a mill? Simple question !.. ki type di rotcha ki es é? Kale ki e ses origen?Cuzas é tcheu!…

Apr 1, 2023 - 11:46
Sep 2, 2023 - 23:50
 0  48
Not everything stone in Brava is daba pa built pylon and mill...
Not everything stone in Brava is daba pa built pylon and mill...

Not everything stone in Brava is daba pa built pylon and mill...

Why ki us dgentis scodjeba stones di rotcha di mine Mane Grandi na Mato Grandi pa I built pilon and stones di rubera mill in the Montado di Catchas pa I built mill?

Simple question !.. ki type di rotcha ki es é?

Kale ki e ses origin?

Cuzas is bye!…