Andy andrade, a born leader who does not extol or panic
Well, for my book to come out, but above all for me to be really in a position to write and make my story known, many people with a light soul, with a sweet heart, people who inspire and breathe empathy and love, cooperated and were with me , (directly and indirectly).

In life there are always struggles, but Romans 8:28 says that "all things work together for good to those who love God".
Well, for my book to come out, but above all for me to be really in a position to write and make my story known, many people with a light soul, with a sweet heart, people who inspire and breathe empathy and love, cooperated and were with me , (directly and indirectly).
Today, my thanks are all addressed to my boss, a Brava native who lived much longer in the US, but never ceased to be a Brava native, so much so that he comes, every day, fighting for a better Brava. An engineer by profession, but above all a born leader, who doesn't get excited or panic in the face of crises, instead, he always remains calm and firm, looking for solutions (and I know what I'm talking about).
I met Mr. Agnelo de Andrade, better known as Andy, more or less 12 years ago, when I joined a company conceived and founded by him, where I worked for a long 10 years, a company that he calls "my 5th son", and with good reason. , because he was the one who thought it up, wrote it, drew it, took it off paper and put the project into effect, in short, he did everything.
Working with him has been a pleasure, not only because of the constant learning moments, but also because the environment in our office is always serene, peaceful and with a healthy climate. Because of this, that is, due to his weightless leadership, I was able to write my book in peace, as the tranquility of the work environment contributed a lot, I arrived home after a day of work, but without stress and immersed myself in writing. I must also say that many pages of my book were written in the office.
Thank you, Mr. Andy, for welcoming me into such a serene environment, where peace and tranquility reign daily, no matter how busy you are.
May God bless you today and always
Geraldina Almeida